
Mozart Class 4 & 5 Year Olds

These children, generally, need to

  • Have independent toilet habits (including washing hands and flushing the toilet);.

  •  Have knowledge of basic shapes. 

  • Have the ability to follow 3-4 command instructions. 

  • Have the ability to cut with scissors.

  •  Have an attention span of 15-20 minutes.

What makes the Mozart room unique from other programs?

  • We guide their learning through play and lots of conversations with the children.  Lesson plans are created by the lead teacher utilizing a specific theme each week.  Children’s needs are taken into consideration when creating lesson plans for the children in our care. We want them to grow intellectually as well as emotionally. 

  • Children participate in 30 minutes of Creative Movement program each day.  Plus, children get an additional 45 minutes of gross motor play outside or in our indoor gym both in the morning and afternoon.  

  •  Children go on field trips outside of the center at least twice a month. Children in our 4-year-old class go the Des Moines Playhouse each month during the school year.  We also plan for other field trips throughout the month.    

  • Our classroom has lots of large windows that are equipped with window guards to prevent injury from window falls. 

  • Children in this classroom are working hard to get ready for Kindergarten. They are working on signing themselves in by writing their name each day, working on identifying letters and what sound they make, writing their letters and numbers, and working on their cutting skills.  We also are working on developing lots of social skills through playing with others, taking turns, and sharing items.  We are learning about the community we will in and the best way to take care of the community we live in.  A lot of our learning is done through play which lets them naturally learn about things they are already interested in 

  • Our classroom has a built-in loft. The children can use this space in small groups to either read books or practice their writing in the writing center. 

Classroom Schedule